to the virtual home of
where the massive power
of non violent communication
merges with the deep longing in your heart
in nature nothing goes to waste
you are nature
everything you think and feel is useful information
signalling to you the truth of who you are
and where your soul wants to go
your body is a system as elegant and intelligent as any
other natural system in the vast and beautiful universe
ispeakcompassion shares tools, ideas and listening skills
that help you make meaning of the life in and around you
so you can access and advocate for your authentic self.
you - who you really are, will come online
ispeakcompassion shares dialogue skills
that help you draw out and ignite this honesty in others
reaching deeper
than we have before
humans will find more
and original intelligence
that will serve life
all life - our life
this is only
the beginning
of true human