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wisdom comes out of dialogue
dialogue is my authenticity
meeting your authenticity
dancing with dialogue
bravery and dexterity in communication
11 - 12 nov 2023
for those who have a handle on the basic elements of nvc, and are wanting to deepen their dialogue skills
and work with more complex relationship dynamics
connecting to deeper layers and being able to reveal more of who we really are
as we go deeper into our nvc journey,
healing the past is something that happens in the
here and now in our relationships
What we will be learning:
using example from your own life we will learn to use nvc in more complex situations and dialogues for
greater emotional freedom and power to choose the course of our lives
- interrupting in nvc
- saying "no" and keeping the connection
- deeper into radical honesty and daring greatly and intimacy
- navigating reactivity in honest dialogues
- "The wave" - dialogue dance
- Requests - reveal more of who you are
Investment R1300
early bird
ends september 22
i am willing to be seen
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